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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:36 am 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: All in a day's work.
The server is now running Tekkit-Lite on a $5,000 per year Amazon EC2 instance! yay!! I installed the dynmp mod with nginx as the frontend. And also installed a Mumble server for voice chat.

The Tekkit-Lite SMP server: http://minewerx.kodewerx.org/
The Map server: http://minewerx.kodewerx.org/
The Mumble server: http://minewerx.kodewerx.org/

Since this is [yet again] another fresh install, you'll have to post your Meinkraft username if you want to be added to the whitelist.

The random seed dropped the spawn point right in a nice little valley with a waterfall. It's a pretty well protected area, and there's an odd natural feature hidden inside one of the surrounding mountains: A cave spring with no way in or out. It was dug into by accident while tunneling a stairway through the stone.

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:24 pm 
Krew (Moderator)
Krew (Moderator)
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Title: "Hacker"
lemmayoshi is my minecraft username. Add me, yo.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:19 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: All in a day's work.
lemma: Done!

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:32 am 
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Chickenzrage is my user for minecraft

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:03 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: All in a day's work.
Chickenzrage: done!

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:05 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: The Mad Hacker
Tekkit? Tekkit is hated by the people who made the mods. Tekkit is on its way out. Why on earth did you pick Tekkit?

Feed the Beast is where it's at, has the support of the modders, maintained and looking to continue for the foreseeable future..


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:51 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: All in a day's work.
Tekkit Classic is dead, but Tekkit Lite continues strong. In fact, I just updated the server to 0.6.1.

And besides, Feed the Beast sounds like bestiality.

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:18 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: The Mad Hacker
FTB is superior and has permission from each of the mod makers to use their work.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:30 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: All in a day's work.
I think you may have got a bit too sucked into the bureaucracy of the Minecraft mod community. No one had permission from Mojang to mod Minecraft in the first place, so I think they all forfeited that right from the start. Further more, every one of them; every single one of them uses an advertising platform like Ad.fly as a form of earning revenue from their mod. Why don't they just ... um, I dunno, charge money for the things directly? It's not like the individual authors are making any money through their Ad.fly garbage when Joe Blow downloads their work as part of a mod pack, any way.

And as a friendly reminder, claiming something is superior without qualifying is completely subjective. ;)

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:15 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: The Mad Hacker
Mojang explicitly gives permission to mod minecraft on their terms page:
As far as I can remember, Notch had always been okay with it.

It's an interesting point about the ad.fly stuff, I don't know why the mod makers said yes when approached by the FTB guys to include their work when, yes, monetarily it meant the same thing...
To take a guess though, I would say it's a combination of probably not making that much off of the ad.fly links and out of hate towards tekkit's shameless thievery.

And you're completely right about the last thing... *fixes*

Tekkit Lite doesn't have most of my favorite things from FTB (FTB Mindcrack Pack, specifically):
1) Portal Guns
2) Twilight Forest (super fun when playing with others, raiding the huge towers)
3) Misc Peripherals (epic ComputerCraft addon, crosses over with a lot of other mods)
4) Omni Wrench and Forge Lexicon
5) Soul Shards (epic, but Maaaaybe a little Over Powered)
6) ExtrabiomesXL (autumn biome ftw!)
7) Forestry (Deliberately made incompatible with Tekkit when they would not remove it when asked to)
well... tbh, maybe forestry not so much... it's one of my favorite things to watch people get excited about on youtube- the bees part mostly- but that's way too involved for me to want to get into while I play.. You can do awesome stuff with it once you get going though.

Anyway, I totally see why people would stick with Tekkit if they haven't tried FTB and didn't care about the credit/fairness issues- I am subscribed to a couple people on youtube who play tekkit. It is fun to watch too.



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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:53 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: All in a day's work.
Yogscast has been doing bee stuff (Forestry) recently, and I must say it's really the least interesting part of the entire series. :( Really makes me want to never bother with the mod, as I suffer through these episodes, hoping to get back to the things that made the series entertaining in the first place.

Also, portal guns? Are you fucking kidding? :doh:

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:04 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Title: The Mad Hacker
Simon is hard to watch when he's trying do /anything/ that takes thought. Bees are not my thing, like I said, but there's so much you can do with them.

Portal guns mod is epic in minecraft. Seriously fun. You have to kill a wither for the star to make the gun. There are also portal spawners that you can make and activate with redstone.
I built a central hub with one portal spawner and several location-buttons on my server. Pressing a button selects what railcraft wireless signal box to activate. Spot loader at the destination next to the second linked portal spawner will light up when you press a second button at the hub to open the portal for half a second.
All destinations can go to the hub at any time. (there is a spot loader at the hub as well)


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