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 Post subject: Rules
PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:15 pm 
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Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:56 pm
Posts: 1978
Title: Mr. Bitches
dlong wrote:
Rules for individual forums.
  • Kodewerx
    • Enhacklopedia
      • This is the definitive hacking document. If you have questions about making codes, read this first.
      • Any contributions are welcome; PM them to me. If they are good enough to warrant inclusion, I will add them.
      • Be sure to read the licensing agreement before submitting anything to be added.
  • Gaming/Hacking
    • The Office
      • Use this forum to report problems with the board, never for general discussion.
    • General Hacking Discussion
      • Questions about hacking video games go here. Make sure that your question is specific; also, check Enhacklopedia before posting.
      • Hacking things other than games also belong here. However, you may not get an answer to these kinds of questions.
    • Game Hacking Development
      • This forum is for posting documentation and other information about cheat devices and gaming systems, as well as post useful hacking tools. Do not post or request codes here.
    • Code & Hack Requests
      • Codes for different cheat devices, regions, or versions belong in seperate threads, even if they are for the same game..
      • Only request a specific code once; If someone else made the request, then you do not need to.
      • As soon as your code request is filled in Game Hacking, please edit your post to reflect this by adding "*FILLED*" after the request.
      • Only post codes requests; codes belong in Konsole Hacking or Handheld Hijinx; help on using codes belong in Dial 911.
      • You may request codes for the PS2 and GCN; however, do not expect these codes to be made.
      • See the thread naming conventions, listed at the end of this post.
    • Konsole Hacking
      • Codes for Consoles go here. This also includes MAME.
      • Codes for different cheat devices, regions, or versions belong in seperate threads, even if they are for the same game.
      • No requests are allowed in this forum
      • See the thread naming conventions, listed at the end of this post.
    • Handheld Hijinx
      • Codes for Consoles go here. This also includes MAME.
      • Codes for different cheat devices, regions, or versions belong in separate threads, even if they are for the same game.
      • No requests are allowed in this forum
      • See the thread naming conventions, listed at the end of this post.
  • Non-gaming/Non-hacking
    • Kollaboration
      • If it doesn't belong anywhere else it can be posted here, provided that the content is appropriate for minors.
    • Spamghetti
      • ALMOST anything goes here. The major exception is child pornography. You will be IMMEDIATELY banned as well as reported to the FBI, or your country's version of the FBI, if you post such material.
      • If it doesn't belong anywhere else (excluding Kollaboration) you can post it here.
    • Debate Club
      • Post rants, polls, and debates here.
    • Dial 911
      • Get help on a variety of subjects here: Operating Systems, Programming, Building computers, Codes, Games, etc.
      • Everything to do with AR, CB, or DS belongs on the Handheld Help section. No exceptions.
      • Handheld Help
        • If you need help with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, post in The /only/ Pokemon Help Thread stickied at the top of the forum only.
        • If you need help with your AR (it's broken or won't work, etc...) post in the AR help thread, stickied at the top.
    • Surf Nazis must Die
      • This is where posts go to be tortured and then put into the gas chamber.
      • Only moderators and administrators can post in this forum; it's quite possible we will make fun of you here, where you can see but cannot reply.

Naming conventions

These naming conventions are for threads in the Code Requests, Konsole Hacking, and Handheld Hijinx Forum. They have been formulated so that they are easy to read and so that, when threads are sorted by subject instead of date, they show up in a reasonable order.

The first part of the thread's name should be the system's abbreviation, enclosed in brackets. NES is for Nintendo, SNES is for Super Nintendo, N64 is for the Nintendo 64, GCN is for the Gamecube, GB is for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color, GBA is for the Game Boy Advance, NDS is for the Nintendo DS, SMS is for the Sega Master System, GEN is for the Genesis, GG is for the Game Gear, PSX is for the Playstation, PS2 is for the Playstation 2, and MAME is for Arcade games.

A space should follow the closing brackets and then the game name following that space. Abbreviations should be avoided if at all possible; however, if the entire title will not fit in the subject, the game name is the place to shorten the title, by abbreviation.

The game name should be followed by the region, enclosed in brackets. Standard GoodSet rules for regions apply: U for North America, E for PAL, J for Japan, and K for Korea. If multiple versions of the game exist, the region should be followed by a comma and a space, and the the version posted, preceded by a 'V', all inside the brackets. Additionally, the game ID should be posted in the first post of the thread, in order to avoid confusion.

After the closing bracket, a space should follow, and then, enclosed in brackets, the cheat device. Unneccessary details should be avoided here. For instance, listing AR and CB is enough, as opposed to ARDS and CBDS. The system already lets us know that the code/request is for the DS. The only time additional detail is needed is when the encryption seeding differs depending on the cheat device version, such as on the GBA and PS2.

It is hoped that these naming conventions are easy to follow and will help keep the forums easily organized.

If you have any questions, contact me.

[15:12:20] <dlong> Rules:
[15:12:23] <dlong> 1.) Don't be an asshat
[15:12:23] <dlong> Done


Not being an asshat entails:
-Using good forum etiquette
-No spamming.

Continue to enjoy the forums.

Rules for Individual forums:

<EggWerx> MetalOverlord: Dsman and lemmayoshi will be used for taco meat, ask mo he knows me.
jleemero wrote:
Being required to learn Java for a Comp Sci MAJOR is like being required to shit on a lawnmower to be an astronaut.

Last edited by lemmayoshi on Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
rules should be in the first post

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:08 pm 
More rules.

-One thread per game (or version of a game); Don't see the thread? Use the search function to make sure create. If the topic is locked, too damn bad. Wait. It won't be a perm lock.
-Don't bump old topics without a good reason (posting/requesting codes qualifies as a good reason)
-Read these rules.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:49 pm 
Rules on signatures:

-They should not exceed 10 lines of text including image size
-They should not stretch the frame on 1024x768 screens
-1 image per sig of no more than 500kb in size
-Nothing annoying (moderators' and administrators' discretion)

You will receive a minimum of one warning if these rules are violated. More warnings may be given, depending on how severe the violation is, but repeat offenders will be banned at some point.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:26 pm 
Feel free to (properly) use the "report post" feature liberally. I do not read all the threads, and I imagine the other staff members do not do so either. However, abuse of this feature will result in a ban.

Additionally, if you receive warnings, pay attention to them. While there is no set limit on how many warnings you will get prior to a ban, they are an indication that your posting behavior warrants an immediate change.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:55 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:45 pm
Posts: 1066
0o0o0o good idea dlong! I know I do not read all the threads and using this feature would totally catch my eye!

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:01 pm 
Rules for individual forums.
  • Kodewerx
    • Enhacklopedia
      • This is the definitive hacking document. If you have questions about making codes, read this first.
      • Any contributions are welcome; PM them to me. If they are good enough to warrant inclusion, I will add them.
      • Be sure to read the licensing agreement before submitting anything to be added.
  • Gaming/Hacking
    • The Office
      • Use this forum to report problems with the board, never for general discussion.
    • General Hacking Discussion
      • Questions about hacking video games go here. Make sure that your question is specific; also, check Enhacklopedia before posting.
      • Hacking things other than games also belong here. However, you may not get an answer to these kinds of questions.
    • Game Hacking Development
      • This forum is for posting documentation and other information about cheat devices and gaming systems, as well as post useful hacking tools. Do not post or request codes here.
    • Code & Hack Requests
      • Codes for different cheat devices, regions, or versions belong in seperate threads, even if they are for the same game..
      • Only request a specific code once; If someone else made the request, then you do not need to.
      • As soon as your code request is filled in Game Hacking, please edit your post to reflect this by adding "*FILLED*" after the request.
      • Only post codes requests; codes belong in Konsole Hacking or Handheld Hijinx; help on using codes belong in Dial 911.
      • You may request codes for the PS2 and GCN; however, do not expect these codes to be made.
      • See the thread naming conventions, listed at the end of this post.
    • Konsole Hacking
      • Codes for Consoles go here. This also includes MAME.
      • Codes for different cheat devices, regions, or versions belong in seperate threads, even if they are for the same game.
      • No requests are allowed in this forum
      • See the thread naming conventions, listed at the end of this post.
    • Handheld Hijinx
      • Codes for Handheld Consoles go here.
      • Codes for different cheat devices, regions, or versions belong in separate threads, even if they are for the same game.
      • No requests are allowed in this forum
      • See the thread naming conventions, listed at the end of this post.
  • Non-gaming/Non-hacking
    • Kollaboration
      • If it doesn't belong anywhere else it can be posted here, provided that the content is appropriate for minors.
    • Spamghetti
      • ALMOST anything goes here. The major exception is child pornography. You will be IMMEDIATELY banned as well as reported to the FBI, or your country's version of the FBI, if you post such material.
      • If it doesn't belong anywhere else (excluding Kollaboration) you can post it here.
    • Debate Club
      • Post rants, polls, and debates here.
    • Dial 911
      • Get help on a variety of subjects here: Operating Systems, Programming, Building computers, Codes, Games, etc.
      • Everything to do with AR, CB, or DS belongs on the Handheld Help section. No exceptions.
      • Handheld Help
        • If you need help with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, post in The /only/ Pokemon Help Thread stickied at the top of the forum only.
        • If you need help with your AR (it's broken or won't work, etc...) post in the AR help thread, stickied at the top.
    • Surf Nazis must Die
      • This is where posts go to be tortured and then put into the gas chamber.
      • Only moderators and administrators can post in this forum; it's quite possible we will make fun of you here, where you can see but cannot reply.

Naming conventions

These naming conventions are for threads in the Code Requests, Konsole Hacking, and Handheld Hijinx Forum. They have been formulated so that they are easy to read and so that, when threads are sorted by subject instead of date, they show up in a reasonable order.

The first part of the thread's name should be the system's abbreviation, enclosed in brackets. NES is for Nintendo, SNES is for Super Nintendo, N64 is for the Nintendo 64, GCN is for the Gamecube, GB is for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color, GBA is for the Game Boy Advance, NDS is for the Nintendo DS, SMS is for the Sega Master System, GEN is for the Genesis, GG is for the Game Gear, PSX is for the Playstation, PS2 is for the Playstation 2, and MAME is for Arcade games.

A space should follow the closing brackets and then the game name following that space. Abbreviations should be avoided if at all possible; however, if the entire title will not fit in the subject, the game name is the place to shorten the title, by abbreviation.

The game name should be followed by the region, enclosed in brackets. Standard GoodSet rules for regions apply: U for North America, E for PAL, J for Japan, and K for Korea. If multiple versions of the game exist, the region should be followed by a comma and a space, and the the version posted, preceded by a 'V', all inside the brackets. Additionally, the game ID should be posted in the first post of the thread, in order to avoid confusion.

After the closing bracket, a space should follow, and then, enclosed in brackets, the cheat device. Unneccessary details should be avoided here. For instance, listing AR and CB is enough, as opposed to ARDS and CBDS. The system already lets us know that the code/request is for the DS. The only time additional detail is needed is when the encryption seeding differs depending on the cheat device version, such as on the GBA and PS2.

It is hoped that these naming conventions are easy to follow and will help keep the forums easily organized.

If you have any questions, contact me.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:47 pm 
User avatar

Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:36 pm
Posts: 283
Updated the forum specific rules post to reflect the new Handheld Help subforum.

"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either." -Benjamin Franklin

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:40 pm 
Moderator Rules

All of the moderators should know these, but here they are in writing.

-Do not delete anything. Ever. This does not just include posts, but reports as well. Close post reports. Do not delete them. There are no exceptions to this rule.
-After locking a thread, leave it in the same forum for a few hours, so that the original poster can see that it has been locked. I generally wait until right before I go to bed before moving threads.
-When moving threads to any other forum, DO NOT leave a redirect. These are annoying.
-Take advantage of the "warn users" feature; this helps keep an easily accessible record of violations.
-All moderators have the power to ban other members. DO NOT ban any members unless there is no possible reason why this ban would be controversial among the staff. If you have any doubts about banning someone, leave it to an administrator.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:23 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:36 pm
Posts: 283
This rule shouldn't even need stating, but I'm going to anyway.

Any attempt by any member to compromise another user's account information, identity, computer, or anything of the sort, by any means (including but not limited to phishing and malware), can and will get you instantly and permanently banned. This type of behavior will not be tolerated. Our users have the right to surf our forum without taking such risks. Should legal action be taken against an offender, we will not try to protect you.

This rule does not extend to sarcastic comments combined with personal stupidity leading to damage, such as answering a computer problem with "format /y C:", or directly linking to sites (without attempting to falsify where the link goes) like http://d oo m3 .zo y.o rg / (remove spaces at own risk).

Link removed to prevent accidental clicking

"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either." -Benjamin Franklin

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:58 pm 
This should go without saying, but this is an English-speaking site. And no, "hay u shld du tis d00d", doesn't count. Obviously, this doesn't mean everything must be in English. Pretty much anything goes in spamghetti, after all. There's a thread right now that's basically all in foreign language. Additionally, if English isn't your primary language, it's acceptable to ask if anyone speaks your primary language, in order to be better helped. Kenobi speaks French and Mewy speaks some weird language she made up, if that helps at all. However, if you have a high number of posts and the majority of them are not in English, don't expect to be posting much longer.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:16 am 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:26 pm
Posts: 3768
Title: All in a day's work.
Free discussion of any of these rules is welcome in The Office. If something seems unfair to you, or has not been made clear, create a new thread in The Office, and we will work with you to help. However, we ask that only reasonable suggestions be made for any necessary amendments to the rules. An example of a reasonable suggestion:

"Rules for moderators seem too lenient. Mods should take their jobs more seriously and do ... such and such, etc." [Note to mods: If this suggestion is ever made, outside of this example, don't take it personally; unless is it clearly meant to be received as such because the author is an asshole. Then you can ban him and we'll have a good laugh.]

An example of an unreasonable request:

"Rules for signatures that stretch the forum is too strict! My signature image is 7.1 megapixels, but only 340KB. I should be able to use it because it fits fine on my 60" HDTV."

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:52 pm 
The forum-specific rules have been updated to reflect the new forums. As always, you are responsible for reading and understanding these rules. Failure to do so isn't an excuse.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:35 am 
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Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:56 pm
Posts: 1978
Title: Mr. Bitches
Pyramid/enrollment schemes are gay. Don't be gay.

<EggWerx> MetalOverlord: Dsman and lemmayoshi will be used for taco meat, ask mo he knows me.
jleemero wrote:
Being required to learn Java for a Comp Sci MAJOR is like being required to shit on a lawnmower to be an astronaut.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:04 pm 
This post is to make a longstanding rule explicit.

Duplicate accounts are not allowed. Ever.
If you have more than one account and are in good standing, at the very minimum, you will lose access to all but one account. If you are not in good standing, all of them may be banned, and if you are using another account to circumvent a ban of any length for any reason, you will be permanently banned, including an IP ban. Circumventing an IP ban will result in an abuse report being filed with your ISP.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:11 am 
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Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 1:04 pm
Posts: 441
Location: Down the Street
Title: Mr. Mime
dlong wrote:
Handheld Hijinx
Codes for Consoles go here. This also includes MAME.

Just saying, you should fix that..

NDS Hacker

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:25 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
User avatar

Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:26 pm
Posts: 3768
Title: All in a day's work.
Not high on the priority list, but fixed...

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:19 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 1:04 pm
Posts: 441
Location: Down the Street
Title: Mr. Mime
Parasyte wrote:
Not high on the priority list, but fixed...

I know...but it's just a little thing that someone could have brought up in a really annoying way.

NDS Hacker

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