Parasyte wrote:
MicroSDs don't have a write protect switch. Neither do MiniSD cards: ... _Cards.svg See the "Lock" switch? When it's in the down position (toward the arrow) enables write protect.
What is this Panasonic SD Formatter? That's just wrong. Windows has the capability to format drives, including SD cards and flash drives. Why use third-party software when you can use the built-in functionality? (OK, in some cases third-party software is preferable! For example, Windows' built-in CD burning sucks ass. I use InfraRecorder.)
Format the card from the command line:
C:\> format L: /fs:fat
If you have a *NIX (and you really should!) it's easy to do a full low-level erase by zero'ing the entire flash, create partitions, and format it to FAT32:
(Assuming the dev node is /dev/sdb)
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
# parted -s /dev/sdb mklabel msdos mkfs 1 fat32
... I think that's right. I haven't actually tested it, but that's the basic idea. If you actually need to create an MBR (unlikely, unless you want to boot from it) you can always use the MBR provided by FreeDOS.
Yeah, I searching some info about MicroSD write protection and all the help I saw was telling me to move my lock switch to the opposite side. And yeah, MicroSD's don't have lock switches so it didn't really get me anywhere...
Oh about the Panasonic SD Formatter. I was reading a guide on GBAtemp about properly setting up an Acekard. I saw one thing on that guide that I didn't do, and it was the formatting. So I read it and they wrote something about Panasonic being better than Windows when it came to SD formatting. Lower chance of freezing/corrupting or whatever. I thought I may as well go with it, if it was important enough to be included in the guide.
Nero ftwgahh...

I'm not really familiar with NIX... should I look into that?
And if I use a microSD for my AceKard, would that be considered booting from the microSD?