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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:13 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:14 am
Posts: 2
Title: www.frontmission.info
Hi everyone.
I'm one of the team members of the game called Front Mission 5, and I have problem with implanted movie back into the game. It shows the movie but there is no audio. Please maybe here someone will know how to help me it seems that this is the last forum where I can get any help...
There is at the beginning of the game an opening movie - FMV. I manage to translate it delete the Japanese text and place the English. I been manage to place the movie into the game and it works BUT with one problem - there is no sound. I used the PSS Plex to demultiplex the file in to m2v and wav. The problem is that insetad the wmv i get file with without the extension so it looks like this: stream_1685566_0-Alt0 and when I used the PSS Demux I get m2v and file with .dat extension. Well I'm sure that this is an audio because I used the program called MFAudio to hear the sound. When I checked the audio file I found out that there is no header in it, so I decided to add standard wmv header to the file and it worked I was able to multiplex the files back (before that I was unable to do It since the PSS Plex asked for wmv). I edited the file using TMPGEnc then I putted it back to the game. Even when I open the movie in VirtualDub there is picture but no sound...The translation and the movie looks great but there is no audio. Does nay one know something about editing PSS files ?? I found this site peoples seem to have similar problems:
Here is the file:
This is the very last thing that requires the translation. So if any one knows how to edit this support me with information please.
Here is the translation game site:

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PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 6:15 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:14 am
Posts: 2
Title: www.frontmission.info
Help Please ?

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