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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:54 pm 
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I installed the software, I installed the driver, the USB line is connected. But I can't get it to read the RAM.
I've been contacting Datel every few days repeating my problem and there are no replies.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:00 pm 

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Make sure you start your DS with the AR, upgraded to its latest version (ie. 1.52), in the NDS slot, AND the TT in the GBA slot (you can then test if you can read the ram without starting a game - being on the TT startup screen is good enought). Also note that sometimes, on the first try, the TT will report a "can't talk to the trainer board" message. Just try a second time.

Then, if that still doesn't work, try another USB port(/cable, if you have another)... If it still doesn't work, check if you can make it work on another PC.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:02 pm 
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Title: Mr. Bitches
This really belongs in Dial 911. ;)

<EggWerx> MetalOverlord: Dsman and lemmayoshi will be used for taco meat, ask mo he knows me.
jleemero wrote:
Being required to learn Java for a Comp Sci MAJOR is like being required to shit on a lawnmower to be an astronaut.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:21 pm 
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kenobi wrote:
Make sure you start your DS with the AR, upgraded to its latest version (ie. 1.52), in the NDS slot, AND the TT in the GBA slot (you can then test if you can read the ram without starting a game - being on the TT startup screen is good enought). Also note that sometimes, on the first try, the TT will report a "can't talk to the trainer board" message. Just try a second time.

Then, if that still doesn't work, try another USB port(/cable, if you have another)... If it still doesn't work, check if you can make it work on another PC.

I've tried all my ports, I've tried taking out usb devices to make sure they weren't interfereing, I have the newest firmware. I have both devices in both slots.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:29 pm 
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Need more info here: What OS are you running? TT runs with Window 2000 and XP only. I sometimes find I have to reseat the USB connector if I cannot get the TT to talk to the PC. Did you confirm the driver is loaded? Reload it if you are still getting a null effect. Get back to us if all this still fails and we will try to think of other things to try.

Ancient Code Sage

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:06 pm 
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Actually, it does work in Vista.... I tested it, however it's not officially supported.

If you're using Vista, try running it in XP compatibility mode.
Hopefully I'll be able to give you a hand here.... if not, I'll jump on our customer service reps to find you an answer.

ok, 1st I need to know what OS you're using, XP, Vista, 2000, ME, etc...
next, is the Action Replay updated to the latest version? (Use the ActionReplay DS code manager software to update the firmware.)

Now follow these steps, in this order:
1. Plug the USB cable into your PC. (Not the Toolkit dev board.)
2. plug in the Trainer Toolkit dev board.
3. Insert an updated ActionReplay
4. Turn the DS on.
5. Insert USB Cable into the trainer toolkit dev board.
6. Open the device manager.
(Right click My Computer and choose properties.. then hardware... the option is there.)
7. Tell me if there are any "!" (exclamation points) showing incompatibilities / no drivers.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:34 am 
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Tried reseating the USB cord and I've been frequentlly emailing mailto:[email protected], but not any more frequent that once per three days.
When I swap steps 4 and 5 the device manager says USBIO Controled Devices with a device named "NDS Trainer Toolkit', but sometimes quickly makes a disconnect sound and it goes away.
If I follow your steps exactly, I get no connect sound and it never appears on the device list.

Windows XP Home Edition
Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.061219-0316 (Service Pack 2)
I updated the firmware before I ordered the TT, that's how I found out the TT was out.

PS: I've reloaded the drivers 3 times

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:01 am 
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xnamkcor wrote:
...with a device named "NDS Trainer Toolkit', but sometimes quickly makes a disconnect sound and it goes away.

That once happened to me with a shittly manufactured media card reader.
This TT has either a defective USB cable or a defective board.

<EggWerx> MetalOverlord: Dsman and lemmayoshi will be used for taco meat, ask mo he knows me.
jleemero wrote:
Being required to learn Java for a Comp Sci MAJOR is like being required to shit on a lawnmower to be an astronaut.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:19 am 
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OOh, crap... yeah, that doesn't sound like a driver issue.... you know what... I'll bet the USB port on the Dev board is the issue.

The next time you connect the Trainer Toolkit to your PC, and it doesn't appear in the device manager, gently wiggle the USB cable connected to the dev board. wiggle it toward / away from the "Trainer Toolkit" sticker GENTLY / slowly... if the device manager picks it up then goes away, you've got a bad USB connection on that board. (I've successfully broken 3 usb connectors by dropping my DS while the USB cable was still connected to the dev board.)

Where did you buy it, the codejunkies.com shop?
Either way, call customer service, speak to a guy named Stacey and tell him you spoke with me and I can explain the whole thing. Main number: 727-431-0650 (He knows who I am, he can see me from his desk.) We're moving to a new building this week, so things are a bit crazy at the moment... they'll be even worse from Friday ''til the middle of next week, so give him a call ASAP.

- Jay

1 more thing.... maybe it was just a typo, but the correct email address is:
mailto:[email protected] , not mailto:[email protected] (you added an "S" to dateldesign.)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:03 am 
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The wiggling doesn't work.
If I leave the lid closed when I turn it on, the connection stays, but once I open the lid and it boots, it loses the connection.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:40 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:21 pm
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I need help too:
The first time I run my TT it worked, until the second time, i turned it on, opened the software, and it said "cant talk to trainer board", i cant make this thing work, but its strange cause it appears as a usb device, i dont get any warnings, its shown on device manager, it doesnt have any "!" , what should i do? can you tell me the way i have to connect everything on my computer?

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:30 pm 
Krew (Admin)
Krew (Admin)
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I wonder if it would be useful to have someone write an open source user-space driver for this thing using libusb? I have some libusb experience, and could probably debug the driver given enough time, but I don't have a TT or AR. Actually, I can think of one use for it: converting SRDP commands into TT commands, and back. But there are still no SRDP UIs, anyway! D:

I have to return some video tapes.

Feed me a stray cat.

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:10 am 

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@Ktron :
Sometimes I also have some troubles to get it working properly on my laptop (I'm using Windows7). But I always get it working again by following these steps :

Disconnect the TT usb cable from the PC, remove the Trainer Toolkit from the DS, and wait some seconds (like 5~10 seconds, to make it discharge/reset).
Close the TT program on the PC.
*Optionaly, you can blow some air in the DS GBA port and on the TT pins, in case some dust is causing a contact problem.*
Power on the DS.
Insert the TT in the DS.
Plug the USB cable in the PC (you could also try another USB port, if you still can't get it working).
Start the AR/launch your game.
Launch the TT program on the PC, and open the Memory Editor.

It should fix your problem. Moreover, if it worked once, it should work twice ! (unless you physically broke something meanwhile)

However, there are some DS-side explanations why sometimes the TT communication stops working (or doesn't work at all) :

If you "reset" the game (L+R+Start+select for some games, "return to title screen" for others...), the trainer toolkit might not work properly anymore. That is because the game's executable(s) will be reloaded, meaning the hooks that allow the game to communicate with the Trainer Toolkit will be missing.

If you hack a game, then power off/on the DS to hack a new game without resetting the Trainer toolkit, the PC software will always tell you there is a commnucation error. Usually, just try again to communicate (refresh the memory viewer/upload the code) and it'll work.

If you use the TTRomPatcher program and the Trainer Toolkit fails to communicate, try another hook method (also some flashcards/firmwares might be incompatible with the TTRomPatcher's patches though - in this case the games won't launch at all once patched).

If you use a flashcard that has an in-game menu (DSTwo for exemple), and enter this in-game menu, it might crash the game/conflict with the Trainer Toolkit communication.

If you patch a game in a wrong way (by using codes, or uploading some data in ram), you can crash the trainer toolkit communication and/or the game.

Also, some rare games won't work properly (especially with the action replay) unless they have a specially made master code (Animal Crossing for exemple).

@Parasyte :
Anything that avoids using Datel's Trainer Tookit PC Software could ne neat !

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