OOh, crap... yeah, that doesn't sound like a driver issue.... you know what... I'll bet the USB port on the Dev board is the issue.
The next time you connect the Trainer Toolkit to your PC, and it doesn't appear in the device manager, gently wiggle the USB cable connected to the dev board. wiggle it toward / away from the "Trainer Toolkit" sticker GENTLY / slowly... if the device manager picks it up then goes away, you've got a bad USB connection on that board. (I've successfully broken 3 usb connectors by dropping my DS while the USB cable was still connected to the dev board.)
Where did you buy it, the codejunkies.com shop?
Either way, call customer service, speak to a guy named Stacey and tell him you spoke with me and I can explain the whole thing. Main number: 727-431-0650 (He knows who I am, he can see me from his desk.) We're moving to a new building this week, so things are a bit crazy at the moment... they'll be even worse from Friday ''til the middle of next week, so give him a call ASAP.
- Jay
1 more thing.... maybe it was just a typo, but the correct email address is:
mailto:[email protected] , not
mailto:[email protected] (you added an "S" to dateldesign.)