Hello there, and sorry for bothering you.
I registered here recently because I've stumbled upon a problem while re-playing the game Fossil Fighters: Champions, and I was wondering If I could find some help here.
I'd like to request, If possible, an action replay code to
unlock the Bonus Data (aka Downloadable Contents vivosaurs), since the wi-fi connection is useless now. Seeing as for some of the pokemon games is possible to unlock mistery gifts with AR, I was wondering If it could be possible also with this game, and I can provide a .SAV file with it If needed (could use it, but I'd like to start a new game from scratch instead of passing over everything from the SAV file).
The Bonus Data to unlock is:
- Igno and Frigi vivosaurs
- Dinomaton Duna, Raptin, and Dynal (dragon message item)
- Salada (bone message item)
Thank you in advance in any case!