I would like a All Dungeons code that includes the Special Episode dungeons, or at least a dungeon modifier. Here's how I believe that to work; let's say you select Beach Cave, but because 00000000 00000082 is active, you go to Fortune Ravine instead. It's been at least 6 years, and those hexes of the Special Episode Dungeons?
07B 123 Star Cave
07C 124 Star Cave
07D 125 Star Cave
07E 126 Star Cave
07F 127 Star Cave
080 128 Murky Forest
081 129 Eastern Cave
082 130 Fortune Ravine
083 131 Fortune Ravine
084 132 Fortune Ravine
085 133 Barren Valley
086 134 Barren Valley
087 135 Barren Valley
088 136 Dark Wasteland
089 137 Temporal Tower
08A 138 Temporal Tower
08B 139 Dusk Forest
08C 140 Black Swamp
08D 141 Spacial Cliffs
08E 142 Dark Ice Mountain
08F 143 Dark Ice Mountain
090 144 Dark Ice Mountain
091 145 Icicle Forest
092 146 Vast Ice Mountain
093 147 Vast Ice Mountain
094 148 Vast Ice Mountain
095 149 Southern Jungle
096 150 Boulder Quarry
097 151 Boulder Quarry
098 152 Boulder Quarry
099 153 Right Cave Path
09A 154 Left Cave Path
09B 155 Limestone Cavern
09C 156 Limestone Cavern
09D 157 Limestone Cavern
09E 158 Spring Cave
09F 159 Spring Cave
0A0 160 Spring Cave
0A1 161 Spring Cave
0A2 162 Spring Cave
0A3 163 Spring Cave
0A4 164 Spring Cave
These... have been just sitting there for six years, and nobody's gotten around to a dungeon modifier, or at least a way to access Special Episode dungeons within the Main Story.