[GCN] Sonic Adventure 2 Battle USA Codes (WiiRD) & Request
WiiRD Codes: I compiled a ton of GCN action replay codes from every corner of the internet, formatted the text properly, credited the authors of the codes to the best of my ability, decrypted them from GCN Action Replay Format to Action Replay RAW format, then converted them to WiiRD/Ocarina Code format, and then put them all together in one text file for use with a cheat manager to produce a .gct file. Those codes are then used with dolphin emulator or Dios Mios/Dios Mios Lite (Custom USB/SD ISO Loading Software for GameCube Games on Wii) You can find the codes in the TXT file attached.
Some of the codes included: -Loading 2P Battle Mode Characters in Place of Normal Characters for use in Single Player --Includes Super Rare Code - Dark Chao Walker Over Eggman -Loading 2P Battle Mode Costumes in Single Player --For Tails Costume See Request -Force Load Level Codes --Includes Test Level, Boss Levels, 2 Player Only Levels -Chao Modifier Codes --Chao Color --Chao Type --Chao Stats Mods -Basic In Game Codes, such as moon jump, infinite lives, Infinite rings, infinite mech health, ect. -DareDevil Mode (0 Rings)
Request: One of the Costume Codes (Tails Costume) is broken, because it's fix code doesn't disable the Bazooka Power-Up. You can still use this cheat code if you have a save file without the bazooka power up, but that also means you can't complete Eternal Engine without Moonjump. Which Brings me to my actual request, could someone create a code that disables the Bazooka? It would be extremely helpful. You can post the code in any format you want, as I have the proper conversion software.
Attachments: |
File comment: There is the cheat TXT file. Its choc full of codes. Enjoy!
GSNE8P.txt [37.67 KiB]
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