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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:37 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:42 am
Posts: 4
Title: Dark Lurking Shadow
This topic is here to list the codes that I hacked, and might eventually list in the future.



This is NOT a request topic. You MAY NOT use this topic to request codes, nor can you PM me requesting codes, as the likelyhood of me even making more codes depends on whether I believe the community deserves them. I will list new codes as I come across them, but my life does not revolve around hacking certain codes. Because of this, it may be a while before I find and post another code. If you get impatient, post in the Requests forum, and hope someone eventually hacks the code, but leave me out of it! You have been warned!


Number of codes (as of 10/2/2013): 17

::Misc. Codes::
Always Have 64 of Every Pack at Shop
52159ED0 02158DE4
02158E2C 00000040
02158E60 00000040
02158E94 00000040
02158EC8 00000040
02158EFC 00000040
02158F30 00000040
02158F64 00000040
02158F98 00000040
02158FCC 00000040
02159000 00000040
02159034 00000040
02159068 00000040
0215909C 00000040
021590D0 00000040
02159104 00000040
02159138 00000040
0215916C 00000040
021591A0 00000040
021591D4 00000040
02159208 00000040
0215923C 00000040
02159270 00000040
021592A4 00000040
021592D8 00000040
0215930C 00000040
02159340 00000040
02159374 00000040
021593A8 00000040
021593DC 00000040
02159410 00000040
02159444 00000040
02159478 00000040
021594AC 00000040
021594E0 00000040
02159514 00000040
02159548 00000040
0215957C 00000040
021595B0 00000040
021595E4 00000040
02159618 00000040
0215964C 00000040
02159680 00000040
021596B4 00000040
021596E8 00000040
0215971C 00000040
02159750 00000040
02159784 00000040
021597B8 00000040
021597EC 00000040
02159820 00000040
02159854 00000040
02159888 00000040
021598BC 00000040
021598F0 00000040
02159924 00000040
02159958 00000040
0215998C 00000040
021599C0 00000040
021599F4 00000040
02159A28 00000040
02159A5C 00000009
D2000000 00000000
You can never "buy the shop out" now!
Also makes the shop have 9 decks!

::Duel Codes::
Press Select+L to Make it Your Opponent's Main Phase 2
94000130 FDFB0000
022964B0 00000004
02296FDC 00000004
022973E4 00000004
0229DE5C 00000004
D2000000 00000000
If you press Select during your opponent's turn, it will be their Main Phase 2, and they will behave as such; however, the "Main Phase 2" text will not appear.

Press Select+R to make it your Main Phase 1
94000130 FEFB0000
022964B0 00000002
02296FDC 00000002
022973E4 00000002
0229DE5C 00000002
D2000000 00000000
Same as above code, only it is intended to be activated during YOUR turn, after YOUR Battle Phase, so that you can re-enter your Battle Phase and attack again; however, you cannot Normal Summon again.

I had to make these codes from scratch, as the addresses were not aligned the same:

::Duel Codes::
Player Has 12 Speed Counters (Select+A)
94000130 FFFA0000
2229749C 0000000C
2229D44A 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

Opponent Has No Speed Counters (Select+B)
94000130 FFF90000
222974A0 00000000
2229D454 00000000
D2000000 00000000

The following codes were ported from the (J) version:

::Misc. Codes::
Buy Packs for 1 DP (Press X)
52159ED0 02158DE4
94000136 FFFE0000
02159C78 00000001
D2000000 00000000
*Don't press X without buying anything! The game will freeze!

::Unlock Codes::
All Card Packs in Shop
52159ED0 02158DE4
D2000000 00000000

::Movement Speed Modifier Codes::
5216E0F0 E59116A8
0216E0F0 E3A01C28
D2000000 00000000

5216E0F0 E59116A8
0216E0F0 E3A01C30
D2000000 00000000

::Duel Runner Codes::
Infinite Duel Runner Health
5215E990 E8BD8010
B215E994 00000000
B000000C 00000000
B0000178 00000000
DA000000 0000053C
D7000000 00000540
D2000000 00000000
*Works on Battle Royale too!

Always Over Boost (Select)
5215E990 E8BD8010
94000130 FFFB0000
B215E994 00000000
B000000C 00000000
B0000178 00000000
10000528 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000
This code makes the game think that you used an Over Boost by making the boost timer have 65535 frames left. It only works if you have a Boost-capable R Part equipped, so it isn't THAT useful, but whatever.

The following codes were ported from the (E) version:

::Misc Codes::
Walk Through Walls (Hold R)
94000130 FEFF0000
52172578 0A000038
02172578 EA000038
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0100
52172578 EA000038
02172578 0A000038
D2000000 00000000

::Movement Speed Multiplier Codes::
5216E0F0 E59116A8
0216E0F0 E3A01C18
D2000000 00000000

5216E0F0 E59116A8
0216E0F0 E3A01C20
D2000000 00000000

::Duel Runner Codes::
Max Item/S Rank (Survival)
521628A0 E596070C
9218072C 00005544
020B6EAC 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

Current Time Always Zero
5216695C E5820010
0216695C E1A00000
D2000000 00000000

Time Limit 00:00:03 (Survival)
521628A0 E596070C
9218072C 00005544
02180278 00000010
020B6E88 00000010
D2000000 00000000

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