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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:30 pm 

Joined: Fri May 21, 2010 11:33 pm
Posts: 51
Title: Cheater
Codes by:- AsPika2219, other random hackers, port from USA and another Europe version

!!!Plants vs. Zombies (E)

!Misc Codes

::Max Sun Points
:::Press Select
94000130 FFFB0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
10005AF8 0000270F
D2000000 00000000

::Max Coins
:::Press Select
94000130 FFFB0000
12240BF4 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

::Max Seed slots
:::Press Select
94000130 FFFB0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
20000024 00000009
D2000000 00000000

::Hold [B] for Rapid Fire
:::Doesn't work on sunflower and zombie plant eater
520731E0 E5981000
020731E4 E0420000
D0000000 00000000
520731E0 E5981000
94000130 FFFD0000
020731E4 E3A00010
D2000000 00000000

::1 hit kill boss battle
:::Press R
94000130 FEFF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
10005EA8 00000001
D2000000 00000000

!Max Plant Seed Meter Codes
:::Press Up

::Plant Seed Box 1
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000004C 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 2
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
000000AC 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 3
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000010C 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 4
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000016C 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 5
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
000001CC 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 6
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000022C 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 7
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000028C 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 8
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
000002EC 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::Plant Seed Box 9
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000034C 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

::All Plant Seed Boxes
:::Press Up
94000130 FFBF0000
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000004C 0000FFFF
000000AC 0000FFFF
0000010C 0000FFFF
0000016C 0000FFFF
000001CC 0000FFFF
0000022C 0000FFFF
0000028C 0000FFFF
000002EC 0000FFFF
0000034C 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000

:Sun Points/Money Multiplier

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E0831081
D2000000 00000000

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E0831101
D2000000 00000000

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E0831181
D2000000 00000000

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E0831201
D2000000 00000000

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E0831281
D2000000 00000000

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E0831301
D2000000 00000000

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E0831381
D2000000 00000000

52065368 E0840102
0206536C E59F103C
D2000000 00000000

!Plants, Zombies etc Slots Modifier
:::Change XXX into list of plants, zombies etc

::1st slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000005C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::2nd slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
000000BC 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::3rd slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000011C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::4th slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000017C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::5th slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
000001DC 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::6th slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000023C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::7th slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000029C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::8th slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
000002FC 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

::9th slot modifier
6223FDCC 00000000
B223FDCC 00000000
B0000168 00000000
0000035C 000000XX
D2000000 00000000

Change XX into list of Plants, Zombies etc. Warning! Some list make games crashed out! Here the list!

00 = Peashooter
01 = Sunflower
02 = Cherry bomb
03 = Wall-Nut
04 = Potato Mine
05 = Snow Pea
06 = Chomper
07 = Repeater
08 = Puff Shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
09 = Sun Shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
0A = Fume Shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
0B = Grave Buster (Only used for destroy the graves to getting the coins)
0C = Hypno Shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
0D = Scaredy Shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
0E = Ice Shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
0F = Doom Shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
10 = Lily Pad (only in water)
11 = Squash
12 = 3-peater
13 = Tangle Kelp (only in water)
14 = Jalapeno
15 = Spikeweed (only in land)
16 = Torchwood
17 = Tallnut
18 = Sea Shroom (only in water)
19 = Plantern
1A = Cactus
1B = Blover
1C = Split Pea
1D = Star fruit
1E = Pumpkin
1F = Magnet shroom (night only, sleeping on day, use coffee for wake up)
20 = Cabbage-pult
21 = Pot (only in roof)
22 = kernel-pult
23 = Coffee (only for wake up all mushrooms for day mode)
24 = Garlic
25 = Umbrella Leaf
26 = Marigold (you got coins randomly)
27 = Melon-pult
28 = Gatling Pea (only in already planted repeater)
29 = Twin sunflower (only in already planted sunflower)
2A = Gloom Shroom (already planted Fume Shroom)
2B = Cattail (only in already planted lilypad on water)
2C = Winter Melon (only in already planted Melon Pult)
2D = Gold Magnet (only in already planted magnet shroom, just collecting coins)
2E = Spikerock (only in already planted spikeweed)
2F = cob cannon (only in already planted kernel pult)
30 = Imitater (just duplicate any plants)
31 = Tallnut (red version, make explosions)
32 = Giant Nut
33 = << NOTHING >>
34 = peashooter 2 (shooting on left side)
35 = uknown peashooter (only in Beghouled mini games)
36 = reload (only in Beghouled mini games)
37 = unknown ball? (i don't know about this)
38 = sun? (just picture, nothing happen)
39 = diamond? (just picture, you got this after finishing mini games and puzzles)
3A = unknown zombie picture (i don't know about this)
3B = gold trophy (nothing happen)
3C = unknown (guess what this picture?)
3D = Regular Zombie
3E = unknown thing (just picture, nothing happen)
3F = Conehead Zombie
40 = Pole Vaulting Zombie
41 = Buckethead Zombie
42 = Zombie holding flag (useless, nothing happen)
43 = unknown zombie (useless, nothing happen)
44 = Screen Door Zombie
45 = Football Zombie
46 = Dancing Zombie (can summon back up dancers)
47 = Zomboni (make ice trail and summon zombie bobsled team)
48 = unknown zombie (useless, nothing happen)
49 = Digger Zombie
4A = Pogo Zombie
4B = Bungee Zombie (put into anywhere on left side of the line)
4C = Ladder Zombie
4d = unknown zombie (useless, nothing happen)
4E = Gargantuar (with holding Imp on his back)
4F = unknown zombie (useless, nothing happen)
50 = unknown zombie (useless, nothing happen)
51 = unknown zombie (useless, nothing happen)
52 = unknown zombie (useless, nothing happen)
53 = Imp
54 = Balloon zombie
55 = << NOTHING >>
56 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
57 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
58 = << NOTHING >>
59 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
5A = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
5B = << NOTHING >>
5C = Unknown Trophy (useless, nothing happen)
5D = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
5E = << NOTHING >>
5F = << NOTHING >>
60 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
61 = << NOTHING >>
62 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
63 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
64 = << NOTHING >>
65 = Just say "LET'S ROCK!" Nothing happen
66 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
67 = << NOTHING >>
68 = Just say "VIEW ..." Nothing happen
69 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
6A = << NOTHING >>
6B = << NOTHING >>
6C = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
6D = << NOTHING >>
6E = << NOTHING >>
6F = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
70 = << NOTHING >>
71 = Unknown Trophy (useless, nothing happen)
72 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
73 = << NOTHING >>
74 = Just the picture of book! Nothing happen
75 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
76 = << NOTHING >>
77 = Just the picture of book! Nothing happen
78 = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
79 = << NOTHING >>
7A = Unknown (useless, nothing happen)
7B = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
7C = << NOTHING >>
7D = Bag of coins (useless, nothing happen)
7E = Nothing but makes graphics becomes glitchy! Very dangerous!
7F = << NOTHING >>
80 = Just say "BACK TO GAME" message. Nothing happen

there are more of them... some values make game crash!

Enjoy the games! 8-)

EDIT:- Added coins codes!

I am becomes ultimate code hacker! :D

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