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 Post subject: Carmageddon64 [N64]
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:41 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:49 pm
Posts: 344
Location: Cybertron
Title: Click Here <------
System: N64
Region: USA
Codes: Gameshark
Emulator: Project64 v1.6 With Renegade v1.69

Enjoy These Codes...Also Note Some Power-ups Overlap Each Other, But The Codes Are Different For Each And It Works

Have & Infinite Codes

Player 1 Codes
Extra Power: 801C490D 0001
Extra Speed: 801C490E 0001
Always Have Zombies (In Green) Display On Radar: 801D0F1B 0001
Inf. 5 Free Recovery Vouchers: 8009E221 00FF
Inf. ACME Damage Modifier: 8009DFCD 00FF
Inf. Afterburner: 8009E131 00FF
Inf. Bloated Zombies (Fat Bastards): 8009E0ED 00FF
Inf. Bouncy Bouncy: 8009DF85 00FF
Inf. Credits: 811C481A FFFF
Inf. Explosive (Pedestrians) Zombies: 8009E08D 00FF
Inf. Free Repairs: 8009DEC5 00FF
Inf. Freeze Opponents: 8009DF25 00FF
Inf. Gravity Jumper: 8009DF6D 00FF
Inf. Greased Tyre: 8009DFB5 00FF
Inf. Green Guy: 8009E161 00FF
Inf. Grip-O-Matic Tyre: 8009E05D 00FF
Inf. Helium-Filled Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009E0BD 00FF
Inf. Hot Rod: 8009DE65 00FF
Inf. Instant Handbrakes: 8009DFE5 00FF + 800980F3 00FF
Inf. Invisibility (Cloaking Device): 8009DE09 00FF
Inf. Invulnerability: 8109DEAC 0258
Inf. Kangaroo On Command: 8009E179 00FF
Inf. Lunar Gravity: 8009DF55 00FF
Inf. Mad Zombies: 8009E015 00FF
Inf. Mega Turbo: 8009DE4D 00FF
Inf. Miniature Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009E0D5 00FF
Inf. Mine Dropping Ability: 8009E119 00FF
Inf. Pedestrian Annihilator (Zombie Electro Ray): 8009DF99 00FF
Inf. Rock Springs: 8009E045 00FF
Inf. Slow Motion Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009DE1D 00FF
Inf. Solid Granite Car: 8009E02D 00FF
Inf. Stick Insect Zombies: 80093575 00FF
Inf. Stupid (Pedestrians) Zombies: 8009DFFD 00FF
Inf. Time (Turn-Off To Continue Level & Turn-On When Start A New Level): D01C477C 00FF + 811C479E 1C1F
Inf. Turbo: 8009DE35 00FF
Inf. Turbo Nitrous (Nutter Bastard Nitrous): 8009DE7D 00FF
Inf. Turbo Opponents: 8009DF3D 00FF
Inf. Turbo Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009DE95 00FF
Inf. Underwater Ability: 8009DEF5 00FF
Inf. Zombie Annihilator (Pedestrian Electro-Based Ray): 8009E195 00FF
Inf. Zombie Panic (Pedestrians): 8009E075 00FF
Inf. Zombie Zapper: 8009E1C0 00FF
Inf. Zombies (Pedestrians) With Greased Shoes: 8009DE05 00FF
Inf. Zombies (Pedestrian) Repulsificator: 8009E1C1 00FF
Inf. Zombies (Pedestrians) With Stupid Heads: 8009E0A5 00FF
Inf. Zombies Glued To Ground: 8009DDED 00FF

Player 2 Codes
Extra Power: 801C490F 0001
Extra Speed: 801C4910 0001
Always Have Zombies (In Green) Display On Radar: 801D0F1D 0001
Inf. 5 Free Recovery Vouchers: 8009E223 00FF
Inf. ACME Damage Modifiers: 8009DFCF 00FF
Inf. Afterburner: 8009E133 00FF
Inf. Bloated Zombies (Fat Bastards): 8009E0EF 00FF
Inf. Bouncy Bouncy: 8009DF87 00FF
Inf. Credits: 811C481C FFFF
Inf. Explosive (Pedestrians) Zombies: 8009E08F 00FF
Inf. Free Repairs: 8009DEC7 00FF
Inf. Freeze Opponents: 8009DF6F 00FF
Inf. Gravity Jumper: 8009DF6F 00FF
Inf. Green Guy: 8009E163 00FF
Inf. Grip-O-Matic Tyres: 8009E05F 00FF
Inf. Greased Tyres: 8009DFB7 00FF
Inf. Helium-Filled Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009E08F 00FF
Inf. Hot Rod: 8009DE76 00FF
Inf. Instant Brakes: 800980F5 00FF
Inf. Invisibility (Cloaking Device): 8009DE0B 00FF
Inf. Invulnerability: 8009DEAF 00FF
Inf. Kangaroo On Command: 8009E17B 00FF
Inf. Lunar Gravity:8009DF57 00FF
Inf. Mad Zombies: 8009E017 00FF
Inf. Mega Turbo: 8009DE4F7 00FF
Inf. Mine Dropping Ability: 8009E11B 00FF
Inf. Miniature Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009E0D7 00FF
Inf. Pedestrian Annihilator (Zombie Electro Ray): 8009DF9B 00FF
Inf. Rock Springs: 8009E047 00FF
Inf. Slow Motion Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009DE1F 00FF
Inf. Solid Granite Car: 8009E02F 00FF
Inf. Stick Insect Zombies: 8009E377 00FF
Inf. Stupid (Pedestrians) Zombies: 8009E377 00FF
Inf. Turbo: 8009DE37 00FF
Inf. Turbo (Nutter Bastered Nitrous): 8009DE7F 00FF
Inf. Turbo Opponents: 8009DF3F 00FF
Inf. Turbo Zombies (Pedestrians): 8009DE97 00FF
Inf. Underwater Ability: 8009DEF7 00FF
Inf. Zombie Annihilator (Pedestrian Electro Based Ray): 8009E197 00FF
Inf. Zombies Panic (Pedestrians): 8009E077 00FF
Inf. Zombies (Pedestrians) With Greased Shoes: 8009DE07 00F
Inf. Zombies (Pedestrian) Repulsificator: 8009E1C3 00FF
Inf. Zombies (Pedestrians) with Stupid Heads: 8009E0A7 00FF
Inf. Zombies Glued To Ground: 8009DDEF 00FF

The 3 Codes Below Works, But Seem To Jump 00 To 99
Max Armor: 801C48C7 001E
Max Power: 801C48CB 001E
Max Offensive: 801C48CF 001E

The Codes Below Is A Work In Progress
P1 Inf. Damage (Health):
P2 Inf. Damage (Health):


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