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PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:57 am 
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Joined: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:58 am
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Location: The glorious fishbowl of souls
Rush 2049 (N64)

Here's an update to the 3-4 player race code. This one doesn't act stupid, and allows you to select what options are available.

First, here's a basic update to the last one. It makes "Single Race" and "Practice" available for 3-4 players. Note that there will not be bot cars in these races.

"Race 3-4pl." .off
813B468E 0101
803B4695 0001
803B4696 0001

Neat enough, you can set what options are available on these menus. There's a formula to it:
803B4680   1 pl.
803B4687   2 pl.
803B468E   3 pl.
803B4695   4 pl.

0x0   single race
0x1   practice
0x2   ghost race
0x3   circuit
0x4   stunt
0x5   obstacle
0x6   battle

So, with appropriate codes, you can add or remove options to each menu. Not that all options will work properly, but they will be available ;*)

Here's the basic set. Addresses are given. 01 makes the thing available, 00 unavailable. Remember you can combine the codes as well.
803B4680   1pl. single race
803B4681   1pl. practice
803B4682   1pl. ghost race
803B4683   1pl. circuit
803B4684   1pl. stunt
803B4685   1pl. obstacle
803B4686   1pl. battle
803B4687   2pl. single race
803B4688   2pl. practice
803B4689   2pl. ghost race
803B468A   2pl. circuit
803B468B   2pl. stunt
803B468C   2pl. obstacle
803B468D   2pl. battle
803B468E   3pl. single race
803B468F   3pl. practice
803B4690   3pl. ghost race
803B4691   3pl. circuit
803B4692   3pl. stunt
803B4693   3pl. obstacle
803B4694   3pl. battle
803B4695   4pl. single race
803B4696   4pl. practice
803B4697   4pl. ghost race
803B4698   4pl. circuit
803B4699   4pl. stunt
803B469A   4pl. obstacle
803B469B   4pl. battle

Battle obviously doesn't work 1 player very well. Single, practice, and circuit all work perfectly 2 player. Without bots, it is sort of cheating to do circuit 3-4 player. Ghost race obviously only records one player. Obstacle is rather goofy, starting each player at the same point. It is usable, but obviously not designed for more than one player.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:02 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:58 am
Posts: 19
Location: The glorious fishbowl of souls
Here's a companion code to the 3-4 player race code updated recently. This allows bots in any "single race" track, regardless the number of players playing. Note though that regardless the number of bots set, there will never be more than six cars in a single race.

"Bots in 3-4 Races" .off
D138ACF8 2878
8038ACFB 0005
800C9DD3 0005

Known to work even in 4-player races on track 7, but expect some serious lag at times.

To be fair, if you use these codes under emulation you will probably need to set the RSP to interpretter mode. They're a little picky about ASM hacks...
Fairly straight-forward patch though. Both lines alter SLTIU tests against #players. First line conditionally changes a test to display the bots selection in the menu, and the second keeps it from forcing the selected value to 0.

Next on the list will probably be activating the "gravity" modifier bar in the track setup menu. The toggle only displays the name but no slide bar. What? You never saw all the strange beta features in the menus? Honestly, you aren't missing much...

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