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[N64] Ogre Battle 64 v1.0 [U] https://www.kodewerx.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7222 |
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Author: | Zoinkity [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:28 am ] |
Post subject: | [N64] Ogre Battle 64 v1.0 [U] |
Lycanthropy Patch I've had this done for a while, but sort of forgot to post it here. Lycanthropes are a class you see in every blasted cutscene in the game, yet are normally unplayable. Assuming you, like most people, hack one into your army, you'll realize the buggers don't turn into werewolves. Well, there's two solutions to this. First is a patch, and if that won't work the second are GS codes. Both can be found here in a rar file: http://two.xthost.info/zoinkity/Other/Lycanthropy.rar GS codes can be found in the readme if you prefer those, but if you take the patch route you can, with a little hacking, set up a whole list of morphic classes. Note I released this one week before some enterprising individual realized there's a NOBE v1.1 of the game, and I have yet to get ahold of one. So, the patch here is for the glitchy original. |
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