Be a real programmer. Program without the .SHIT Framework.
<ThePhantom> What, would you prefer I keep track of it with fucking binary shifting, like you probably did? Hell no.
<ThePhantom> A hedgehog's asshole could understand my code, N-O-B-O-D-Y B-U-T Y-O-U C-A-N U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D Y-O-U-R-S
<Parasyte> Nobody has to understand it
<Parasyte> Plus, bitwise shifting owns
<Parasyte> A lot
<ThePhantom> Nobody has to understand it?
<Parasyte> Correct...
<ThePhantom> Write code like it's for your job, ass.
<Parasyte> No way.
<ThePhantom> Either provide fucking documentation or don't write it like a deranged circus chimp on crack.